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Many people are dealing with bad breath but only a few of them know what are the causes of this condition. Even 80-95% of bad breath comes from the buildup of fungi, bacteria, food and dead cells in the back of the tongue. Yes, there are specific reasons why you have a smelly breath and

Calculus can hurt your teeth in two ways – if you grind them too much while trying to solve a complicated equation, or if you let it build up on your teeth. Yes, calculus accumulating on your teeth is thousand times worse than taking an advanced math test. It is a thick chalky substance caused

They say “you are never fully dressed without a smile” and this couldn’t be more true. Smiling frequently makes you more attractive, relieves stress, helps you stay positive and changes your mood for the better! Yup, the power of positive vibes! And since in the world of today there are many things you could do

What makes a person appear pleasant? I’m sure many of you would argue just to how much of a degree the clothing influences pleasantness, and while you’d be right, there’s still something that’s even more important: the smile. This is due to the fact that smiling people appear nicer, more approachable and likeable, radiating confidence

We all have them, and some of us still keep them in a small box as reminders of the time when we became “wise”. As much as we want to believe wisdom teeth are a sign of maturity, awareness and growing, we can’t neglect the scientific fact that they’re nothing more than an evolutionary step