A good grill is much more than a backyard diversion for the modern cook. It can act as a second oven and allow you to cook meat, vegetables and seafood with a unique flavour. Plus, due to the fact that it cooks the food on extremely high heat, you’ll get to enjoy meat that’s closer

Spring is just around the corner, and with it comes the promise of warmer days, gorgeous flowers, and more outdoor adventures. But it also brings pesky bugs such as mosquitos, ticks, and black flies – a problem you can’t avoid if you want to step outdoors. While some bug bites can simply cause redness, itching

outdoor shoes 2

Many people think that they can go on a hike wearing their regular trainers. However, those that tried doing so have found out that this is the biggest mistake a hiker can make. First of all, regular trainers aren’t supportive or comfortable enough to allow you to walk for hours on end. And second, they

cooler boxes

If you are planning some serious outdoor adventure then it is nonsense to rely your needs on a cheap and tiny cooler. For the most convenient and best camping experience, you need to ensure that you have brought everything you will need out in the wilderness. This means that your cooler box should provide enough

Lilly Pillies, also known as Australian cherries, are one of the most popular evergreen trees in Australia. Their purple or red fruits make them an eye-catcher and a perfect choice for anyone who is looking to spice up the look of their garden. Their thick foliage and glossy sheen make these fast-growing trees ideal to

From roof-top vegetable gardens to window plant box flowery paradises, urban farmers can grow plants wherever they are. Urban gardening has become more than a trend – besides breathing life into dull areas, it also improves the quality of air. Even people living in the urban jungle who don’t have an outdoor space can enjoy

Foam Roller

There is one daily habit that stands out more than any other as truly life-transforming. People who have adopted this habit feel its effect in all areas of their life – work, family, personal and spiritual life. As you may have already guessed, daily exercise is the keystone habit that you need to acquire. Remember, it

By now, it’s almost become universal knowledge: Australians love camping. How can we not? With so much of the territory available to explore, away from the concrete jungles, we have a great deal of options, lots of off-grid places, camping sites to visit, and besides, they are the chance to reconnect with ourselves, our families,

Eliminating the tree stumps in your outdoor area is something you must not disregard thinking they don’t cause any harm. Think twice though – sure, removing your them will make your yard look tidier and more organized, but the reasons go way beyond aesthetics. Let’s see what are the potential problems they may cause.

gadren plants for shady areas

Without the helping hand of a decent amount of sunlight, even the most skilled of gardeners struggle to keep their plants in perfect condition. Shady areas are definitely a bit more challenging, but not impossible to turn into a visual excitement as there is a great range of beautiful plants that can not only thrive