It is safe to say that there’s no person that doesn’t feel like the Monday to Friday portion of the week is quite hectic, filled with mainly work work and more work. That is why we all eagerly await the weekend – those two days that have to make up for all that mental, emotional

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Though ageing is a natural process we all have to go through, it can be scary, especially when you’re a woman and society bombards you with the forever-young look. Instead of stressing over it, or should I say over every wrinkle and grey hair, it’s time we embraced it with pride. Though the face is

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Though we hear of sedentary life being the norm nowadays, there are still days where you just can’t get any rest as you end up running errands most of the day, so there’s no in between; it happens even to those of us who are proud couch potatoes. Little do we know how much all

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Many people are dealing with bad breath but only a few of them know what are the causes of this condition. Even 80-95% of bad breath comes from the buildup of fungi, bacteria, food and dead cells in the back of the tongue. Yes, there are specific reasons why you have a smelly breath and


Let’s be honest, most of us aren’t happy about getting old. It’s not just the wrinkles and fine lines that seem frightening it’s also the thought of losing strength and becoming helpless to even carry on with the simplest of daily activities. Thankfully, we live in a time of technology, so we can rely on

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Statistics have shown that the average Australian household spends about $94 a week eating out, resulting in a total of $45 billion a year. What this means is that diners and restaurants have quite the business to handle. But although the hospitality business is very profitable, many owners overlook a few important aspects that could

Do you often get a feeling of “pins and needles” in your hands, like they’ve seemed to fallen asleep only with no apparent reason? Does this feeling intensify at night and only gets better after you shake them? Then, you might experience the first symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Especially, if it affects your thumb,

Now that we are finally becoming more aware of the importance of taking care of our well-being, time has come to be wary of the decisions we make regarding our day to day lives. A healthy lifestyle doesn’t just refer to the choices you make with your diet, how hydrated you are, or how much

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All Mother Nature’s qualities are divine. Everything has its purpose and fits just right into the circle of life, where we humans have the greatest purpose of them all – to take good care of it, but we also have the pleasure of enjoying all she can provide us with. Essential oils are one of

A stroke occurs when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted by some kind of blockage or burst of an artery’s wall, resulting in not enough oxygen getting to the brain, thereby damaging brain cells. The degree of damage sustained depends on the type of stroke, its severity, and how quickly it was resolved